My fave Blog 4th Quarter

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Power Grab

I came across an interesting term in my copyright research. A Patent Troll is a person or company who enforces its patents in seemingly ridiculous ways. Before I get to the implications of patent trolling, here are some examples of  Patent Trolls:

Warner Brothers requested a takedown of the imdb page for their movie Wrath of the Titans. The one page that had all of the official information for the actors, helpers, and facts of the movie was requested to be taken down by Warner Brothers. imdb is used by millions a day, so wouldn't this page actually help advertise WoT? Not to mention that the imdb page wasn't really infringing on any copyright laws.

The RIAA asked Google to take the entire electro-pop section of out of its search pages, because it might have contained a pirated copy of an album.

These examples show that copyright laws aren't working as they were originally intended. Instead of protecting artists, large companies are flexing their muscles by requesting takedowns of millions of websites a month. 
Google has to then filter through all of these requests, which takes time and resources, and after all is said and done, the allegedly infringing websites are still up and running.

How would you fix the copyright laws so that these sorts of ridiculous claims wouldn't happen?

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