My fave Blog 4th Quarter

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Graphic Advertisements are OK?

Wherever you look, Chicago is littered with advertisements. Whether they are on benches, billboards, or pieces of paper rolling on the ground, advertisements are made to attract our attention. If I'm not mistaken, the word is a derivative of the latin words "ad" and "verto" which when put together mean "to turn towards".  One issue that comes up is whether advertisements oppress the speech and thought of those that observe them. For instance:

This ad won an award from the Catholic Mass Media Awards in the Philippines. It is a print ad which shows a baby nailed to a board as if he was Jesus, showing that any abortion you have could have been Jesus. It is a very off-putting ad, especially from the blood on the child's arm. Would an ad like this be allowed in the United States? They are expressing the freedom of speech, after all, and there isn't anything that would cause violence from this picture. A similar example of an ad like this was shown in the US as a video. It was banned on Youtube, however it was constitutional for the images of late-term aborted fetuses to be aired on TV.
I think that advertisements like this may not incur violence or unrest, but they certainly incur unrest in my stomach, and I think that is reason enough that Americans shouldn't have to be subjected to graphic images like this. What do you think?


  1. I think advertisements like this are okay because like what you said they are practicing their first amendment rights of freedom of speech. On the other hand, I do agree that that image is very off putting, so it makes me wonder, who is really monitoring what crosses the line in ads? Is there a lot we haven't seen because of censorship?

  2. I believe as an American, people should have the right to freedom of press. But when a graphic, even somewhat horrific ad is on track to be published, someone needs to step in. Radical rights groups, I feel, tend to do bold things to get a point across, and this ad does just that. I believe the Federal Communication Commision (FCC) does a great job of monitoring ads for public view.

  3. I also think that these ads are protected under the First Amendment. However, I do think there is a point where an image is too graphic. The image Jakey posted only shows an arm. Had it shown more, I would consider it too graphic, but this example is appropriately protected under free speech.

  4. I agree that ads like this one are protected by the first amendment. I also think that the placement of the ads should be monitored as to not spark any conflict. If this ad was put near a daycare center or park where small children could see it, that could cause some conflict because parents wouldn't want to expose their kids to such graphic images.

  5. The ad is, as four people have agreed now, permissible; however, given the number of times people have called it "graphic" and "off-putting", it makes me wonder if it is losing them support for their cause.

    There is such a thing as bad publicity.
