My fave Blog 4th Quarter

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Black Friday: A Dark Day

I am one lucky guy. My birthday is November 22nd, which means that my birthday is always around one of the best days of the year to buy gifts: Black Friday. A day infamous for "door busters" which are sales that are so ridiculous that people will "bust down the doors" of a store to take advantage of them. If I was an alien coming to Earth on Black Friday, I would be horrified at the barbaric rituals before me. In 2008 a Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death as 2,000 people tried to break into the Wal Mart for the sales. That may be the most extreme case, but look at this one of many riots formed outside of a store on Black Friday:

Is this the kind of behavior we promote with this "holiday"? The phrase "doorbusters" clearly implies that this kind of behavior is expected at these stores. I think fighting others for material goods is disgraceful to our society. America is founded on the fact we all have the right to Life, Liberty , and the Pursuit of Happiness. Pitting shoppers against each other for buying a cell phone goes against this idea, as the sale could probably have been organized in such a way that this sort of riot would never have happened.

How do you think Black Friday could become less barbaric? I think online sales are the future, since the only fighting is for who gets on the server for the store's website. Should Black Friday even be respected by Americans? Let me knoooooow!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed over Thanksgiving break that some stores had the "Black Friday Deals" for a whole week rather than one day. I think this is such a smart idea because people don't have the crazy motive to get to a store at midnight to go buy things when they know they have a week to do so. Maybe instead of black friday, it should be called "black week".
