My fave Blog 4th Quarter

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The University of Profit

May doesn't only bring flowers; a humongous field of college graduates entering the work force have just sprung. While some have internships and jobs secured for their post-college life, many college grads are stuck with massive amounts of debt and no job. While it's almost necessary for New Trier Students to enter higher education, many more people are afraid to enter college because of the massive loans and seamingly meager payout.

Because of this, many people turn to colleges that guarantee a higher chance of getting a job coming out of college. In March of 2010, over 500,000 people graduated from the University of Phoenix, a for-profit college stationed around America. For-profit colleges are changing the climate of college. Most people enter for-profit colleges looking for "useful" degrees that are sought out in the job marketplace. For-profit colleges run like a business, since their primary goal is to gain a profit. Because of this, congressional reports have torn apart many for-profit colleges because of their large tuition and seemingly low job promises. I've never heard on New Trier student ever showing interest in attending on of these colleges, many lower income families don't have information regarding the shadiness of some of these schools. University of Phoenix spent over $150 million in naming a football stadium after their school. They also produce countless television advertisements and print ads. Because of their aggressive marketing strategies, many people enter these school with the hope of earning a high salary at a good job, but leave with large loans that are difficult to pay back.

Do you see any potential in for-profit colleges? How would you change the educational climate to appeal to lower-income families?

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