My fave Blog 4th Quarter

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Civil Liberties of a Madman

The news story of Chris Dorner has rarely been discussed or reported on, even though the story itself is riveting. If you aren't caught up on the whole story, Chris Dorner was an LAPD officer who went on a killing spree after he was allegedly wronged by his superiors in the force. The police hunted him down to a cabin in the woods and burned the cabin down. That's all that is certain. That, and the fact the LAPD rammed into the same type of car that Dorner was driving and killed the innocent person inside.

While the LAPD claim otherwise, a tape taken from Dorner's final moments contains the words of police men giving the order to set fire to the cabin Chris Dorner was in. He was surrounded on all sides by armed policemen that were already firing at him.

This reminds me of our perilous times unit, where the LAPD is limiting the civil liberties of Dorner and people suspected to be Dorner in order to protect concerned Californians.

Even though Chris Dorner committed terrible crimes with his murdering spree, should the LAPD have followed procedure and have attempted to arrest him instead of burning him alive?

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