My fave Blog 4th Quarter

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Way Things Are

I assume I'm not going to be the only person blogging or talking about the Newtown massacre. What I really want to talk about is, where do we go from here? How do we prevent an event like this from happening again?

Since the founding of this country there have been those who are practically married to their guns. They love and respect the 2nd Amendment, and will defend it at all costs. Few nations come close to America in terms of their relationship with guns. We have rallies, conventions, magazines (the reading kind), and TV shows dedicated to these weapons. But can America keep its gun culture after being struck by tragedy after tragedy?

36 states allow citizens to carry concealed guns. In other words, you are allowed to bring a gun into public and have nobody know that you have it. When the constitution was written, handguns hadn't been invented yet. The only guns were rifles that took a rather long time to reload. Would the Founding Fathers really have wanted people to carry hand-sized guns that fired six times more bullets than the rifles of their time?
This is a rifle that can be legally bought. Semi-automatic with a scope and silencer. Great for killing deer, right? 

Those who support the 2nd Amendment on all fronts state that it is an American obligation to obey the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But wasn't slavery mapped out in the constitution? Where would our country be now if everybody said, "Well the Fathers wanted slavery, who are we to change it?"

I propose a vast reworking of the 2nd Amendment. I would make it so that only the mentally fit could buy guns, which would only be hunting rifles and handguns. Semi-automatic rifles serve NO purpose other than for efficient killing. How would you change laws so that horrible events like the one at Newtown never happen again?


  1. The other thing about the Founding Fathers' 2nd Amendment is that automatic weapons hadn't even been imagined yet in 1776. Back then, as we saw in Glory, guns were slower and less accurate than today. Think about the spirit of the amendment - people can own a weapon that only fires once at a time - and not the letter of the law.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with the fact that guns have changed and the second amendment needs to be altered. Controlling gun distribution is so hard, because there will always be a black market, but something need to be done, something more serious, like your proposed change in the contitution. The gun that this man had could fire fifty bullets before he needed to reload. My dad has guns for skeet shooting and hunting, but they only fire two or three bullets before you have to reload. I this man could only fire two to three bullets, think about how many lives would have been saved right there. What other use does a gun riffle like that have other than an assault?
