My fave Blog 4th Quarter

Monday, October 8, 2012

Comparison of Two Debates

As many people know, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama went head to head in Denver this last week for a debate in Denver Colorado. Personally, I was more looking forward to another debate in Denver: Rumble 2012, between the political pundits Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart. I listened to both debates, and my consensus, as well as others' is that the debate between the candidates was boring and void of character, and the pundit battle was lively and entertaining. Here is the pundit debate...

And here is the Romney and Obama debate:

As I watched the presidential debate, a small globule of saliva dripped from my mouth. It was at this point I realized that this was the most boring live TV I had ever watched (even surpassing American Idol). Both candidates were repeating the same things they've said through their whole campaigns. All of their words homogenized into a single-toned rambling about various aspects of government. It's sad to see two aspiring presidents play it safe as millions of the people they will lead watch them. Part of a president's job is to emotionally represent the country. While Ronald Reagan's actual policies are debatable, the cowboy character he brought to the White House caused a boost of optimism in America. I believe America deserves a leader that is full of zeal and emotion. Here is Reagan during a presidential debate: Although Jimmy Carter's point was well though out and important, the mere humor aspect of when Reagan says "There you go again" totally trumped his point. We had many more of these moments in the Stewart and O'reilly debate. Both candidates spoke with a lot of emotion and humor. Despite the the host constantly asking the audience to quiet down, they often responded to the debaters with laughs and cheers, opposed to the stoic audience of the other debate. We should be seeing more character from President Obama and Romney in the coming debates.

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