My fave Blog 4th Quarter

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Is Deportation Unamerican?

                   Earlier today, I read an article in the New York Times titled, "Divided by Immigration Policy". It was about the new policies the Obama put into place that allowed for illegal immigrants who came here as children to not be deported. The article discussed that while some people qualify for the program, other people don't, and sometimes those two situations find themselves within one family. The article chronicles to situations: a family where a brother qualified for the program but his sister didn't, and two friends where one was eligible and the other wasn't. This relationships are being deteriorated by the harsh immigration laws in the US. Should this be the way our country operates?
                  The poem inscribed on the Statue of Liberty says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free", which directly relates to America's policy on immigration. But is this still the case? The siblings in the article fled from Honduras because street gangs had taken over their town. Clearly they need to escape violent conditions, but due to the immigration laws the sister lives her life in fear of being deported. "Before I had a lot of dreams, but now I don't know." She said. "Before I would like to become a that I know, it's really hard. Those were just my dreams." While the issue of undocumented workers taking jobs is something that needs to be addresses, it shouldn't be done so in a way where the illegal immigrants feel a horrible backlash from it.
                 My temporary solution would be to create some sort of charity that teaches immigrants basic aspects of American life and the English language. This would allow for the immigrants to learn skills and get jobs while they figure out what they need to do to receive citizenship. Other than that, I have no clear idea that doesn't involve using government money or resources. But what do you think? Should rules be stretched for illegal immigrants to live here, or do they take away too many resources from legal citizens? If the former, how would you change the rules?

1 comment:

  1. I also believe that immigrants should have the chance to be legally assimilated into the US. However, I do not think that the government should be responsible for teaching the immigrants the basics of society and English language. I think that if they need to prepare themselves for those kinds of things. While there are some things that immigrants need to do on their own, I think that they should be given a chance to enroll in a citizenship course so they can legally stay in the US and become a citizen.
